Roller Banners

A Roller Banner can really draw attention, which is why Big print Birmingham will make sure each one is built to impress you.

Cheap low-cost Roll up banners

  • Printed graphic design included
  • Easily assembled
  • Light weight (2.7kg)
  • Single sided roller banner
  • Available in one width, (850mm)
  • Order 2 for £160

£85 + Free Delivery, RRP: (Save £30)

Do you require a printed rollup up banner? Big print Birmingham will not only print your banner in high resolution up to (1440dpi), we will also use high quality eco-solvent inks with gold standard vinyl to create an excellent banner for you.

This will ensure a durable, quality and long lasting banner that can be used anywhere (indoors and outdoors).

Benefits of using our services

  • Quick 1 to 2 days delivery included with all orders.
  • Orders above £50 are delivered the next day.

Take a closer look. Browse through our catalogue above, if you are not yet satisfied, give us a call on 07702153393 . We’ll be happy to speak to you.

Tips to help you get started

Why do I need a roll up banner?

Roll up banners are very portable, attractive and can be deployed anywhere. All you need is a surface.

Portability: The roll up nature of the banners gives room for portability as well as flexibility. Roll up banners can be deployed anywhere within minutes. This can be very effective if you need to move your banner to and from different locations as you see fit. When you are done all you need to do is dismantle it and within few seconds you are ready to go. Roll up stands can also be packed together with other accessories.

Advertisement: Roll up banners can enable you carry out effective and low cost advertisement on a limited budget. But that’s not all, by using big print Birmingham’s high quality and standard prints your roll up banner can also give you a “large impact advert” on a low budget.

Roll up banners can be positioned to face the direction of prospective clients to get their attention. For a low cost advertisement budget this would be the ideal choice.

Ideal situations where roll up banners can be used;

  • Office promotions
  • Shop displays
  • Presentations
  • Trade shows
  • Exhibitions
  • Seasonal events
  • and more

Do you require a professional outlook?

Roll up banners are used publicly by industry and business professionals. Using this method of advertisement can add a touch of professionalism to your presentation, exhibition etc. and help to set you apart from the rest.

Do you want to buy a telescope stand?

If you have lots of presentations or showcasing to do, buying a telescope stand with a bigger length and width is Paramount. This will allow you to place a bigger banner that can hold more information.

Choose locations carefully

Placing your roll-up banner towards the entrance of a venue or towards the direction where people are gathered is very effective.

Why are you buying?

Different locations require different sizes of telescope stands. If you intend to place your banner at a permanent location, then a bigger telescope stand will be required. If you will be traveling around a lot, then a more lightweight, and portable, telescope stand will be preferable.

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